
超级经典 励志语录 2024-09-21 18:20:11 -



  1. 六年级英语作文城市生活的短句
  2. 校园生活英语短句
  3. 用英语介绍自己的一日三餐.50词. 同上



In the city, there are plenty of things for teenagers to do. They can go to the cinema as often as they like. Because there are so many cinemas in a small area, they have lots of choice about what to see.There are plenty of other activities too. Teenagers can go roller blading or ice skating. They can go to skate-board parks,to swimming pools or to video arcades.There is also plenty of choice in the city. For example,there are lots of restaurants to choose from. If you wanted to,you could have food from a different country every night of the week.本文来自作文地带:。

In the city, there are plenty of things for teenagers to do. They can go to the cinema as often as they like. Because there are so many cinemas in a small area, they have lots of choice about what to see.There are plenty of other activities too. Teenagers can go roller blading or ice skating. They can go to skate-board parks,to swimming pools or to video arcades.There is also plenty of choice in the city. For example,there are lots of restaurants to choose from. If you wanted to,you could have food from a different country every night of the week.本文来自作文地带:。

In the city, there are plenty of things for teenagers to do. They can go to the cinema as often as they like. Because there are so many cinemas in a small area, they have lots of choice about what to see.There are plenty of other activities too. Teenagers can go roller blading or ice skating. They can go to skate-board parks,to swimming pools or to video arcades.There is also plenty of choice in the city. For example,there are lots of restaurants to choose from. If you wanted to,you could have food from a different country every night of the week.

1.The city life is quite different from the country life. 2. His dream of crossing the Pacific came true finally. 3.That day there was another disaster in store for her. 4.Yhe new car can run at a speed of 150 miles per hour. 5.All my friends kept me company during the whole race.。

I live in Harbin. It is a beautiful city. I love beautiful Harbin.

Harbin in winter is very beautiful, often snow. Snow is white. We can push the snowman. Very interesting. There are also colorful Ice Lantern. It is also very pretty.


Good environment can make people feel happy and fit. To improve the environment means to improve our life.

We should plant more trees and flowers around us. We shouldn't cut them down. We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.

Whenever we see litter on the ground, we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. Never spit in public. Don't draw on public walls. It's our duty to protect the environment.

Beijing If your visions of Beijing are centred around pods of Maoist revolutionaries in buttoned-down tunics performing t'ai chi in the Square, put them to rest: this city has embarked on a new-millennium roller-coaster and it's taking the rest of China with it. The spinsterish Beijing of old is having a facelift and the cityscape is changing daily. Within the city, however, you'll still find some of China's most stunning sights: the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven Park, the Lama Temple and the Great Wall, to name just a few. Hong Kong Hong Kong has the big city specials like smog, odour, 14 million elbows and an insane love of clatter. But it's also efficient, hushed and peaceful: the transport network is excellent, the shopping centres are sublime, and the temples and quiet corners of parks are contemplative oases. Hong Kong has enough towering urbanity, electric streetscapes, enigmatic temples, commercial fervour and cultural idiosyncrasies to utterly swamp the senses of a visitor, and enough spontaneous, unexpected possibilities to make a complete mockery of any attempt at a strictly organised itinerary. Macau Macau may be firmly back in China's orbit, but the Portuguese patina on this Sino-Lusitanian Las Vegas makes it a most unusual Asian destination. It has always been overshadowed by its glitzy near-neighbour Hong Kong- which is precisely why it's so attractive. Macau's dual cultural heritage is a boon for travellers, who can take their pick from traditional Chinese temples, a spectacular ruined cathedral, pastel villas, old forts and islands that once harboured pirates. A slew of musuems will tell you how it all came about. Shanghai Although the lights have been out for quite some time, Shanghai once beguiled foreigners with its seductive mix of tradition and sophistication. Now Shanghai is reawakening and dusting off its party shoes for another silken tang。

Most people want to live in the city. However, there are always pros and cons. Of course, life in the city there are helpful for us to find a good job, and convenient transportation there. In addition, the city has a park, hotels and other places of leisure.However, life in the city there are many drawbacks. First of all, the city life consumption level is high. Secondly, the city population and congestion is nearly out of control. Finally, the city air pollution is serious, so t living conditions is poor.。



记得新概念3比较靠前有一篇文章(二十几还是三十几或四十几)就是说作者更喜欢city life。他给的理由是可以catch the latest movie还能join clubs with friends,还说了下Neon lights are beautiful。文章说很多人喜欢country life因为环境好早上还能听到birds singing gayly但他就不能理解这有啥好的。要是有书你可以找找。

另外city life好处常用的还有convenient,设备齐全(a variaty of public equipments)之类的。当然city life不好的地方就是noice pollution和too much pressure。另外当下房价(price of the apartments)太高,停车位难找(limit parking lots)之类的也是很困扰人(annoying)。

乡村生活好处显然是leisure, fresh air还有fantastic rural scene。不利的地方就是not convenient,还有就是新概念那篇说的看个新电影也不行(catch the latest movie),也找不到朋友泡吧(have fun at bars)。另外生病也没有好医院(no advanced equipments in hospital)之类的



1.Speak Of The Old Days On The Campus谈起昔日的校园生活

2.School Life Is More Carefree.校园生活比较无忧无虑。

3.Investigation On Present Condition Of The Student S Life In High School;高校校园生活状况调查分析及其对策

4.The Teacher Introduced The Freshmen To Compus Life老师向新生介绍校园生活。

5.Let's Speak English, And Tell Others About Our School Life.让我们去说英语吧,说出你的校园生活!

6.I Retain A Clear Memory Of My Schooldays.我至今仍保留着校园生活的记忆。

7.Amoong The Advantages Of A Small College Is Its Campus Life.小型学院的优点之一就是校园生活。

8.The Planning Research Of The College Campus Life Supporting System;大学校园生活支撑体系规划设计研究

9.Schoolyard Domestic Sewage Treatment Using Anaerobic-Aerobic Biological Reactor;校园生活污水的厌氧—好氧低成本处理

10.Study On Reclaimed Water Reuse Project In University CampusSBR工艺处理校园生活污水回用研究

11.Experimental Study On Treatment For Schoolyard Sewage By SBRSBR处理校园生活污水的试验研究

12.The First Days Of School Are Meant To Orient The Freshmen To Campus Life.开学头几天用来让新学生熟悉校园生活。

13.The University Campus Life For Three Years Is A Major Turn Point Of My Life.三年的大学校园生活是我人生的一大转折点。

14.Viability Of Campus Life: A Possibility For Integrating Moral Education Into Life;生活化校园:德育回归生活的一种可能

15.On The Functional Interference Of The Iibrary To The Campus Culture In Colleges;论高校图书馆对校园文化生活的影响

16.An Ode To Lively Campus--Reconstruction Of Moral Education On Campus;生活化校园的彰显——回归生活的学校德育

17.On The Optimization Of The Moral Education Environment Of The Dormitory Of The College Students论高校学生生活园区德育环境的优化

18.Analysis On Present Situation Of Campus Students Sports Life;普通高校大学生校园**生活现状剖析

[Three]、用英语介绍自己的一日三餐.50词. 同上

〖One〗、My breakfast is an egg、some bread and a apple.I usually eat some fish、vegetables、some rice in the lunch.For dinner,I seldom eat too much meat,I choose to eat some rice and some fruit.This is my daily diet.翻译:我的早饭是一个鸡蛋、一些面包和一个苹果.我通常在午饭吃些鱼、蔬菜、米饭.晚饭时,我很少吃太多肉,我选取去吃一些米饭和一些水果.这就是我的日常饮食.

〖Two〗、 PS:我写的少些,是为了避免说的太多,如果因为太简洁,导致您对我的回答不满意,那我只能说句sorry了.
