
超级经典 励志语录 2023-12-21 16:02:47 -



  1. 超级温柔的神仙句子英文
  2. 暖心简短文案英文 温柔治愈的英文句子(62句)
  3. 形容天气好的英文美句



〖One〗、万物皆有裂痕,那是光进来的地方。There are cracks in everything。 That's where light comes in。

〖Two〗、知识也许会被能力代替,但知识里的谈吐和气质是什么也代替不了的。Knowledge may be replaced by ability, but nothing can replace the talk and temperament in knowledge。

〖Three〗、未来的日子里,愿你永远年轻,面朝星辰大海,放出万丈光芒。In the future days, may you always young,Facing the ocean, emit radiant light。

〖Four〗、优雅就是我们无惧岁月,乘风破浪的力量与底气。Elegance is our strength and confidence to ride the wind and waves without fear of time。

〖Five〗、你私底下的每一分努力,都藏在未来每个惊艳的时光里。Every effort you make in private is hidden in every amazing time in the future。

〖Six〗、别把你心爱的小朋友弄丢,别人捡到是不会还的。Don't lose your beloved children,www.yulumi.**.they will not be returned if they are found。

〖Seven〗、今天的难过就此翻篇,明天的你还要忙着快乐。Today's sad turn this article, tomorrow's you have to be busy happy。

〖Eight〗、因为不自律导致的丑陋,不值得同情。The ugliness caused by unself-discipline is not worthy of sympathy。

〖Nine〗、世界的温柔,是晚来的善意和干净的你。The tenderness of the world is the late kindness and clean you。

〖Ten〗、闹钟响了就按继续响铃的人,人生中的事也会一拖再拖。If the alarm clock rings and continues to ring,things in life will be delayed again and again。

1〖One〗、愿你有买花的能力,也有被送花的魅力。May you have the ability to buy flowers, also have the charm of flowers。

1〖Two〗、愿你拥有愉快生活,储存十吨热爱。Wish you a happy life and save ten tons of love。

1〖Three〗、不如意的时候,就给快乐做加法,给郁闷做减法。When you are unhappy, you add happiness and subtract depression。

1〖Four〗、陪伴胜过言语,细节胜过情话。Companionship is better than words,and details are better than love。

1〖Five〗、永远别做别人的备选,如果你不是他们的首选,那他们根本一开始就配不上你。Never settle for being someone’s back-up plan。If you’re not their first plan,they don’t deserve you in the first place。

[Two]、暖心简短文案英文 温柔治愈的英文句子(62句)


〖Two〗、Throw away all the troubles and make room for happiness.




〖Six〗、The late wind in summer is the most soothing.

〖Seven〗、When the sun sets, I will take you for a walk in the universe, with the stars and the moon.


〖Nine〗、The children who sleep late will not have a sweet dream today!



1〖Two〗、There must be regrets, but you can't stop because of them.

1〖Three〗、When you do something seriously, everything you want will come to you slowly.

1〖Four〗、Get better and become what you want to be.


1〖Six〗、May you have a lamp in the dark, an umbrella in the rain, and your lover's company on the road.


1〖Eight〗、If the wind can stay for me,you will stay for me.

1〖Nine〗、Do not ask to be among the best, even if it is just a little progress, it is worth your pay.

20、Life is too short, so laugh, while you now have teeth.

2〖One〗、As long as you keep smiling, the world is not so bad.

2〖Two〗、No matter in love or in life, we should manage well. If we can't, we should withdraw.





2〖Seven〗、The stars are shining today! They are missing you.

2〖Eight〗、When you are sad, squat down and hold yourself, and then tell yourself that everything will pass.

2〖Nine〗、It's said that there are many silly geese who secretly wipe their tears with quilts at night.





3〖Four〗、Only you can accompany you to the end, and only self-discipline, enthusiasm and diligence can make you to the end.

3〖Five〗、We will eventually reach the other side of the heart, where the sun is warm, flowers and birds.




3〖Nine〗、I hope your mood can be like stars, shining all year round, occasionally hiding from dark clouds.



4〖Two〗、Itself is a light, can illuminate oneself, also can illuminate others.

4〖Three〗、Busyness and going to bed early is a good cure for heart disease.


4〖Five〗、Don't cry, don't drop those little pearls.

4〖Six〗、Around the mountains and rivers scattered, only to find that you are the world spark.


4〖Eight〗、LIke a child, always believe in hope, I believe the dream.



5〖Two〗、When the moon is unhappy, it will talk with the stars!


5〖Four〗、I suspect you are a rabbit wanted by the moon.


5〖Six〗、Failure is not terrible. What's terrible is that you choose to give up before you experience it.



5〖Nine〗、I hope you are happy like a happy child when you are happy, and like a mature adult when you are calm.​​​​

60、You should go to bed. Tomorrow is still a day to be loved.

6〖One〗、If you are not living well now, can you work hard to make yourself better.

6〖Two〗、The world is getting dark and the eyes are closing.













